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Anxiety Relief Tool Kit

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It’s normal to have a desire to want to fix our child’s problems.

But you don’t have to do this alone. Mom, you deserve support too.

Mom, does your teen’s anxiety consume you with worry?

Raising kids today is not as simple as when your parents were raising you.

Anxiety, stress, and depression are at an all-time high in teens. Key contributing factors include social media and online presence; peer pressure and desire to fit in, residual Covid effects of disruption of routines and social isolation; and academic pressure.

When our kids are young, things seem so simple and you feel like you’re in complete control of their days.  As our kids hit the teenage years, other factors from the outside world influence and affect the well-being of your child.

Moms, how is your child’s anxiety and stress affecting you? Is it becoming your most challenging job?

  • Have you unable to focus on your job or goals?

  • Turning to food or alcohol to get immediate relief from the stress?

  • Causing friction between you and your spouse?

  • Causing stress with you and your child as you try to offer advice?

  • Do conversations with friends always lead to this topic?

  • Have you worried when or if your child will fully launch into adulthood?

Hello, I’m Barbara

Having launched 2 children into adulthood myself, I’ve experienced this too.

My parenting worries started as soon as I brought my baby home from the hospital, wanting to do everything “right.” And with each birthday celebration, my old worries seemed so simple as I was presented with different worries. This same pattern continued, always remembering those “easier” years.

By age 20, I understood what parenting stress was all about - you have this emerging adult with their own brain and you just want those “easier” days when you felt in control of everyday decisions.

I understand how you feel – the stress-filled days, the endless conversations, and your worries about their future. You’re probably thinking right now, will my job preparing my children for their life ever be complete? Will I get to experience grown, independent children and be able to have an adult relationship with them? I didn’t know who to turn to for support – sometimes it’s just not possible to be honest and open with family or friends about the stress you’re feeling. For sure, my emotional day depended upon how my children were managing their stress or anxiety.

Your teen is not the only one evolving. A transition is required in the type of parent you are.

I give moms the support they need so they can feel emotionally strong to be able to guide their emerging adult.

I start by giving you a space to speak openly and honestly about what you are feeling without any fear of judgment or consequence. Coaching with me is a safe space to completely unload all your feelings. Once you get that out of the way, we together can make a plan. It’s time to build a relationship that will help them launch into this world. Together we can navigate these waves of life.

You can become the parent who has a connection with their child, where discussions don’t get heated and you feel at ease knowing they are capable humans living their life and not use up all your energy trying to prevent every life lesson for them.

So you might wonder how to get started. I make it easy for my clients to take the first step since I know the first step is the hardest. With me, the first step is simply a phone call. On that call you’re going to get:

  • Someone to listen to your parenting struggles.

  • Someone to sort the drama from the facts so you know exactly what needs to change.

  • And you will learn how to take your parenting to the next level and build a lasting relationship with your child.

In order to book the call, all you do is click the link below. There’s no obligation.

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Anxiety Relief Tool Kit

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